MESA's successes over time are due to the commitment and efforts of our valued volunteer members. There are many volunteer roles that use members' knowledge, skills and experience in a variety of ways in exchange for opportunities to contribute to advancing smart manufacturing, networking with peers, and personal and professional development.
MESA welcomes volunteer applications year-round. Once submitted, your information will serve as a skills and interests inventory and remain active as long as you remain a MESA member or until you decide to update or withdraw the application. MESA will strive to match you with the best volunteer opportunity consistent with your skills and passions. As volunteer roles open, (as terms expire or new roles are created) applications on file will be reviewed, with open volunteer positions filled from the pool of applicants. Deadlines for specific positions may be provided by the Leadership Development Committee when needed. You must be and remain an active MESA member while you serve on a MESA Committee, Group or in a leadership position unless prior approval is given by MESA.