Volunteer Profile

MESA's successes over time are due to the commitment and efforts of our valued volunteer members.  There are many volunteer roles that use members' knowledge, skills and experience in a variety of ways in exchange for opportunities to contribute to advancing smart manufacturing, networking with peers, and personal and professional development. 

MESA welcomes volunteer applications year-round. Once submitted, your information will serve as a skills and interests inventory and remain active as long as you remain a MESA member or until you decide to update or withdraw the application. MESA will strive to match you with the best volunteer opportunity consistent with your skills and passions. As volunteer roles open, (as terms expire or new roles are created) applications on file will be reviewed, with open volunteer positions filled from the pool of applicants. Deadlines for specific positions may be provided by the Leadership Development Committee when needed.  You must be and remain an active MESA member while you serve on a MESA Committee, Group or in a leadership position unless prior approval is given by MESA.

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View the Terms and Conditions for Submission of Work to MESA.


Author white papers or guidebooks
Author use cases
Author courses (Live or on-demand)
Design course/certificate program framework
Instruct courses or certificate programs
Refresh existing MESA content (bring past content up-to-date with industry and re-release)
Present educational webinars for MESA
Update the MESA Smart Manufacturing Dictionary and related Wikipedia pages
Review content being developed for MESA
Serve as liaison between MESA and industry analyst firms to partner on research studies
Participate in MESA podcast discussions

If you consider yourself a subject matter expert and would like to contribute to content development, please identify the topics below. Many of the items align with MESA's Smart Manufacturing Model. More information on the model can be found here.

Product LIfecycle
Supply Chain Lifecycle
Production LIfecycle
Production Asset Lifecycle
Order-to-Cash Lifecycle
Workforce Lifecycle
Digital Twin/Digital Thread
Big Data
Edge to Cloud
Standards (ISA-88, B2MML, etc.)

Author press releases
Write social media posts for MESA
Author blog posts for MESA
Develop marketing materials to promote MESA or MESA content
Graphic design
Develop or edit video content

Present at industry events on behalf of MESA
Coordinate MESA's virtual event

Start a local MESA chapter in my region
Welcome new members to MESA

Speak to potential new members about MESA

Chair a MESA Committee or Group
Project management/Coordinate activities
Serve as liaison between MESA and other industry organizations to build strategic alliances
Serve in a Board position

Budgeting and financial planning
Strategic planning