Please complete this application form in order to request a new MESA Initiative (MI). MIs establish the portfolio of prioritized projects, initiatives and deliverables of most strategic importance to industry and the MESA community. The form below helps the MESA leadership understand, prioritize, and implement such requests.
Please refer to the “MESA’s Committee & Group Policies” document for details on requirements of Committees, Sub-Committees, Working Groups and Special Interest Group (SIG).
While the Originator does not need to be a MESA member, MESA membership is required for the Leader of an MI. Additionally, per MESA bylaws, at least one MESA board member must participate within each committee (this requirement does not apply to sub-committees, working groups and SIGs). If a new committee chairperson is not serving on the International Board, they will become an ex-officio, non-voting Board Member at Large. MESA’s International Board or designated group must approve the establishment of any new group.