Sponsored Use Case Submission Form

Use Case Guidelines: Manufacturers come to MESA to learn best practices about manufacturing operations in a neutral, non-commercial environment. They are not interested in advertisements or claims of superiority by any one company or technology. Therefore, use cases must be free of overt commercialism. Specific product or company names should not appear in the use case and should be replaced with a generic term. Use cases should not include an opinion or recommendation of another member company or potential member company (or their products/software offerings) in any way. This includes negative or positive comments about other companies' capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, etc.  Content should strive for vendor neutrality. Company name can appear by the author(s) name(s) and a company logo can be included on sponsored use cases only.

All submitted content must be devoid of any references to political, ethnic, or religious preferences.

TIP: If your use case needs to go through an offline internal review process prior to submission, download this word document to fill in the required information to review internally.

Payment: After submitting this form, you will receive an invoice to pay the sponsorship fee of $1,000 for Premium members/$2000 for non-members. Payments can be made by credit card, bank transfer or check. Production on the use case will not begin until payment is received. 

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Submitted by:
Please include your information so we can contact you with questions about your submission. Information in this section will not be included on the use case.

Use Case Content
The information in this section will appear on the use case.

(A short 1-2 sentence or 30-40 word tagline about the content.)

(i.e. automotive, food & beverage, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, etc.)

(~100 words. The summary will be used in promotional materials, as well as describe the entry on the MESA website.)

(3-5 bullets or sentences.30-75 words.)

(3-5 bullets or sentences. 50-75 words.)

(3-5 bullets or sentences. 50-75 words.)

By submitting the image file, you are agreeing that you have appropriate ownership and are allowing MESA to reprint the image. Include a high resolution (300 dpi) version when possible. Keep in mind that text on graphics can be difficult to read if the image needs to be resized. Consider that the graphic may need to be recreated to make it readable.

20MB max

(up to 25 words.)

Please include the full name, email & company of the content authors as you’d like them to appear on the use case (ex: John Doe, email, Company). Place each author name on a separate line)

All authors of use cases must agree to the Terms & Conditions of Submission of Work to MESA which can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZKYVFBK. The Terms & Conditions of Submission of Work to MESA will be sent to the email addresses below for agreement. Email addresses will not be published on the use case.

Facets of the MESA Model
Which Lifecycles, Cross-Lifecycle Threads and Technologies from the MESA Smart Manufacturing Model will your use case be referencing? Must select at least one or more items from the three following options.

For more information about the model, visit www.mesa.org/model

Supply Chain
Production Asset

Digital Twin/Thread

Big Data
Edge to Cloud

MESA's Terms and Privacy Policy.