MESA B2MML & Integration Fundamentals (CoC 02)

MESA B2MML & Integration Fundamentals (CoC 02)
Thursday, October 23, 2025
Provided by MESA Authorized Training Provider Manufacturing Operations Management Institute (MOMi)
Dates: October 23, 2025
Time: 14:00 – 18:00 CET/ 08:00 – 12:00 EDT
Language: English
Pricing: Please confirm pricing with the Authorized Training Provider for the program you are registering for. Some training providers offer a discount for MESA members.
B2MML & Integration Fundamentals CoC
MESA’s B2MML and Integration Fundamentals Certificate of Competency Program details the elements involved in business-to-manufacturing integration using the MESA B2MML (Business To Manufacturing Markup Language) and ISA-95 standards. This is a 1-day or 2 four-hour sessions comprehensive program for MES/MOM consultants, system analysts, industrial IT architects, programmers, and project managers.
Program Learning Objectives
- Discuss what business processes are involved in manufacturing system integration
- Describe the mappings that must occur from business system interfaces into a standard operations interface
- Explain transactions and transaction types required to support integration
- Identify B2MML elements used to represent business objects
- Describe the methods for extending B2MML
Classroom and Online
Classroom: The program is taught in a classroom environment on a single day.
Online: Instructor lead online version of the same program, delivered in 2 four-hour sessions on 2 consecutive working days.
A Competency Test will be administered for the program, requiring a 85% score or higher in order to receive the program’s Certificate of Competency. There are two parts to the B2MML Competency Test:
- In-course test consisting of 16 questions answered as the course progresses.
- Post-course test consisting of 17 questions answered within eight weeks after course completion.
Completing a MESA Approved Certificate of Competency is recognized globally, showing industries you have achieved a high standard of education within the MES/MOM field. Over 1800 professionals are now MESA Approved MES/MOM Certificate holders.
View more upcoming dates here.
Online 14:00 - 18:00 CET / 08:00 - 12:00 EDT