MESA MES/MOM Certificate of Awareness - Shanghai
MESA MES/MOM Certificate of Awareness - Shanghai
Thursday, November 23, 2023 10:00 AM - Saturday, November 25, 2023 6:00 PM (EST)
Courses in the MES/MOM* Methodologies Certificate of Awareness Program.
201. The Role of MES/MOM for Scalable Continuous Improvement across Global Supply Chains.
202. Global Market Advances Adaptive Manufacturing 2.0 Architecture.
203. Relationships between Manufacturing Operations Standards.
204. Manufacturing Transformation Strategy: Maturity and Roadmap Modeling.
205. Management of MES/MOM Design and Life Cycle.
206. Metric Framework for Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI): Aligning Financial and Operations Metrics.
207. Justifying MES/MOM Systems to Business Leaders, Business Case Justification and Return on Investment (ROI) Assessment.
208. Choose the Right Solution: MES/MOM SOW, RFP and Product Evaluation Methods.
309. MES/MOM Project Management Techniques.
This program will be taught by Julian Zhu, MESA Authorized Instructor.
Shanghai, Shanghai 210000 China