MESA Smart Manufacturing Community: Digital Thread/Digital Twin - Can Digital Twins Rescue a Company from Random Acts of Digital?
MESA Smart Manufacturing Community: Digital Thread/Digital Twin - Can Digital Twins Rescue a Company from Random Acts of Digital?
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (EST)
Come share your experiences, stories, questions, and what you have learned in a safe, non-commercial environment. We seek to understand the state-of-the market, understand what companies have done that has or has not worked, documenting questions that MESA and the community can help answer. Overall, the goal is to accelerate each participant’s learning and progress toward Smart Manufacturing.
Topic: Can Digital Twins Rescue a Company from Random Acts of Digital?
Many companies talk about digital threads and some even point to model-based enterprise (MBE), particularly if they supply the US DoD. Yet, it's rare to have a coherent approach.
- Are you committing random acts of digital that can't contribute to true transformation?
- Can digital twins be the foundation for - or the representation of the model at the core of MBE?
- Do you agree with Deloitte that three digital twins are needed: Product, Process, and Service?
- Can current systems provide the models, digital thread, and information flows BME requires?
- What are the major obstacles in your experience to moving into full MBE?
- Facilitator introduction
- Community & Group overview – why participate and what to expect
- Smart Manufacturing Paradigm
- Thanks to our Sponsor(s)
- Summary of last meeting
- Today's subject
- Wrap up
- Next meeting
- How to keep the conversation going
- Thanks
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