MESA Education Program held in Shanghai – Read what the students had to say!
From Nov. 17th. to 19th., 2022, in accordance with the established plan published by MESA international, CIway consultants successfully held the MESA GEP MES/MOM Methodology Certificate of Awareness CoA as scheduled. The full 3-days activity was taught by Julian Zhu, the MAI of MESA international, who taught the trainees the professional methodology, system development and application practice knowledge recognized by the world-renowned system manufacturers and manufacturers gathered by MESA international.
2022年11月17日~19日,按照MESA国际发布的既定计划,思艾维顾问如期顺利举办了本年度第2期MESA GEP项目之MES/MOM方法论基础能力CoA认证活动。完整的3天活动由MESA国际授权导师Julian Zhu朱老师亲自进行课堂教学与辅导,将MESA国际汇集的全球知名系统商、制造商公认的专业方法论、系统开发与应用实践知识传授给认证学员。
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